Friday, May 16, 2008

Sex is just like a Chinese dinner: nobody finishes until they both get their cookies

-You're emo...we get it. It isn't Labor it. Sweetheart: you ain't in the White Stripes, you aren't cute. You look like a mime who forgot his shirt. Get a haircut and buy some jeans.
-Chances are you aren't from India. Chances are your were overcharged for this ugly handkerchief made into a skirt. Your tattoo? I'm sure your parents love it. Come back when you get sense knocked into you. Until then...keep dressing like this so I can take pictures of you and make fun of you. Its just too damn easy.

-Mmmm...muscles. I'm so impressed. Show me your manliness through this tight shirt and holey jeans. I am going to give your number to everyone I know! ...Psyche!
-I'm a big fan of the booty. In fact, I pray each day I get one. But use your badonkadonk in taste...if it is big (which is the best part) show it off the right way. Tight-ass white shorts is not the best way to go about it.

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