Sunday, September 14, 2008

Minimize your space, not your taste.

One of the most handy and useful purchases I have ever made was over a year ago and ever since then my life has turned upside down. In this simple case contains: my debit card, driver's license, UGA i.d. and all my buy 10 get 1 free cards. It is the greatest tool to bring downtown. But most importantly it helps fit all of your essentials into a ridiculously small clutch without the clutter.

I whole heartedly recommend my beloved card case by Tepper Jackson (from the creator of the fun Target brand Nick and Nora), a line which combines art and utility to make funky travel accessories. I use it everyday, several times a day, and it doesn't look remotely worn.
You will thank yourself for this purchase, I guarantee it. And glory hallelujah, it is only $16! Don't be a fool and get yours today at Helix
(146 E Clayton St)
(706) 354-8631

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