Saturday, March 29, 2008

Gator Boots, with the pimped out Gucci suit

-Casey (21, from Charlottesville, VA) is a hot girl. No argument. The turqoise and white are one of my favorite color combinations, and homegirl works it.

-Fact: Dogs are a chick magnet. Here is Michael (23, from "all over the place" which could mean a number of things, but we settled with the hometown of Baton Rouge, LA) is using his dog to get the ladies. And somehow managing to make the same exact face as his dog. Kind of creepy.

Nicole, 21, is probably one of the most adorable girls I have ever met. Not only does she dress well, but she is from Brisbane, Australia. I mean, she could wear a potato sack and still be precious. I'm not a lesbian, but I would totally hit that for her accent.

-"Cornelius" "30ish" from "Florida" (wouldn't reveal his real identity and I can't say I blame him) commiting many fashion crimes at one time. But I'll settle on dogging him specifically on his matchy-match violation because he was rubbing the Bruins victory in his friend's faces. Even though he is a "winner" he looks like a cocky loser.
-News flash: you can actually pull off the skater look... if you actually know how to skateboard. These dudes have style because their clothes reflect their actual life, and they aren't trying to be something they're not. Jake (23, from Snellville, GA) and Blake (25, from Snellville, GA) have my respect.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Allie, this is Michael Underwood I have a real good feeling Ill be downtown again around the walkers area, will you be around