Monday, March 31, 2008

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.

...Tom (20, from North Augusta) clearly has the need for speed, as he milks his Val Kilmer look for all it's worth. and I can't say I blame him.
Iceman: You're everyone's problem. That's because every time you go up in the air, you're unsafe. I don't like you because you're dangerous.
Maverick: That's right! Ice... man. I am dangerous.

-Catherine (21, from Austin, TX) is the quintessential girl next door. Love her look, and whoever does live next to her... can you steal that dress for me? K, thanks.

-Mary Virginia the Kleptomaniac (20, from Clarksdale, MS) adorning her roomate's necklace, purse, and shoes. Oh well, whatever the case, she looks cute. Thanks, roomy.

-Anonymous, (20ish, from Crazyville, USA) decided that she should match her favorite skirt with a tat. That would be in good taste on a cold day in hell. NOT cute.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Gator Boots, with the pimped out Gucci suit

-Casey (21, from Charlottesville, VA) is a hot girl. No argument. The turqoise and white are one of my favorite color combinations, and homegirl works it.

-Fact: Dogs are a chick magnet. Here is Michael (23, from "all over the place" which could mean a number of things, but we settled with the hometown of Baton Rouge, LA) is using his dog to get the ladies. And somehow managing to make the same exact face as his dog. Kind of creepy.

Nicole, 21, is probably one of the most adorable girls I have ever met. Not only does she dress well, but she is from Brisbane, Australia. I mean, she could wear a potato sack and still be precious. I'm not a lesbian, but I would totally hit that for her accent.

-"Cornelius" "30ish" from "Florida" (wouldn't reveal his real identity and I can't say I blame him) commiting many fashion crimes at one time. But I'll settle on dogging him specifically on his matchy-match violation because he was rubbing the Bruins victory in his friend's faces. Even though he is a "winner" he looks like a cocky loser.
-News flash: you can actually pull off the skater look... if you actually know how to skateboard. These dudes have style because their clothes reflect their actual life, and they aren't trying to be something they're not. Jake (23, from Snellville, GA) and Blake (25, from Snellville, GA) have my respect.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society. -Mark Twain

-Jemma (20, from Roswell, GA)...posing with her best friend David, she has gnarly hair, and trust me people pay a pretty penny for that shit (also: I believe that David pays a lot for his 'do too but was too modest to show it off)

-Cameron (20, from Augusta, GA, who was so happy to get his picture taken) and Jenny (20, from Marietta, GA)...cheering to coffee breath and too cool for school style

-Adam ( 22, from Athens, GA)...he is single, well-dressed, and STRAIGHT! Ladies: this is a problem, someone jump on this charming man train, immediately!

-Bridget (20, from Memphis, TN)...this girl is too legit to quit- she works for Athens Parent and Athena Magazine, check it out at

Monday, March 24, 2008

My First Entry

I love to people watch. I constructively criticize my victims (usually in regards to their choice of attire) but also how people present themselves. I have yet to be disappointed.
I can be cruel at times, but I also give people benefit of the doubt that they just have no idea. So I sympathize with the more unfortunate people. For those who deserve praise, I give it. So, yes, its cut throat, but it is my honest opinion. For those out there who need some perspective, I simply provide it. No cost. (I can't help it, I'm a giver)
Long story short....yadda yadda I am posting my first entry on what I want to be the coolest thing at UGA.
I am as open as a drag queen about my habits of visiting of PerezHilton and style "news" websites. Here is the bad-ass merging of the two.
Welcome to