-Chris (22, from Butler, GA) is all smiles and why shouldn't he be? Look at how much fun he looks. Despite having a wonderful upbeat personality, I knew what I was getting into when I saw him hauling it on North Campus. He dresses how he feels: happy.

-Hana (20, from Stone Mountain, GA) wears red and black on a non-game day without looking too UGA'd out. On top of having a great outfit, she shows that you can experiment with hair and self-expression in a classy way. She pulls off a unique look in a very chic manner.

-Lauren (20, from Fayetteville, GA) looks like she should be on the cover of a student booklet about campus life at UGA. Maybe its the khakis that make her look so proper- but she looks cute and comfortable. This versatile look can be worn for practically any occasion.
how come non of your "do's" are fat? only the "don'ts" are.
I have to disagree with your love for Chris. What he is wearing does not flatter his body at all and also isn't fashion-forward. True, his style is "happy," but that's about all the good I can say about that outfit.
I think you're garbage. Making fun of people isn't fashion advice, it's a superiority complex.
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