-David (21, from Marietta, GA) has a sweet tooth for everything...including a sweet-ass polo from a new local brand: Slowpoke. Maybe its the shirt, or maybe a combination of his boyish good looks and the chocolate chip cookie dough (with oreo topping), but he is quite the chick magnet. Personally, I think the explanation is the triple threat of being a well-dressed cute guy with sugar.

-Tristan (21, from Buford, GA) is a drunk and defeated Packers fan. I probably would never think twice about taking a picture of him, however, I feel that cheese heads are acceptable and fashionable in every single situation possible.

-Erica (21, from Atlanta, GA) and her good wide-eyed friend take a break from enjoying the beautiful Athens weather for a kodak moment. Erica embodies the hot-girl-next-door look. She doesn't remotely overdo anything and yet pulls it together to a tee. Her friend, on the other hand, could use some pants. And if nothing else, he could at least cover those webbed feet.
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