Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What's another word for thesaurus?

-Someone please tell Grandma she has skid marks. Its just wrong.

-I would not bring this girl home if I were you. She must be a dog person because she looks like one and someone needs to feed and wash her.

-Interesting mother/daughter combo. Believe it or not the mother is on the right...please don't let your mother wear skinny jeans. I know she think she looks cute, but I thought it was a 10 year old boy. And I hate to point this out....but if you have cankles... please don't accentuate them. Your mother should not let you out of the house in that. Since this isn't the case, I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

-Canadian tuxedo: Jean on jean ensemble. But this is a new category for me... khaki on khaki??? And it was also about 90 degrees out. I am dumbfounded.

-It is slim pickings in Athens this time of year, but Callen (21, from Alpharetta, GA) is one of the few well dressed girls around. She is full of positive messages: I love her purse, which says "FEED the children of the world" and her shirt "follow your heart"

Monday, May 19, 2008

Animals may be our friends. But they won’t pick you up at the airport.

-This is one of the sluttiest outfits (in the daytime) I think I've ever seen. She looks like a hoe. Just because you got it, please don't flaunt it....have some decency, woman!

Please officially refer to these as "nut huggers"- really tight jeans worn by a man

-The definition of cute. Sarah (22, from Atlanta, GA) embodies simple casuality with style. She doesn't scream loud... but she definitely catches your attention. I loved it and I hope people notice how great she looks and take notes.

-I still don't see the appeal of this outfit. I see this way too much and it isn't cute. No originality. And your shoes are a half size too big. (Click on picture to verify.)

Friday, May 16, 2008

Sex is just like a Chinese dinner: nobody finishes until they both get their cookies

-You're emo...we get it. It isn't Labor it. Sweetheart: you ain't in the White Stripes, you aren't cute. You look like a mime who forgot his shirt. Get a haircut and buy some jeans.
-Chances are you aren't from India. Chances are your were overcharged for this ugly handkerchief made into a skirt. Your tattoo? I'm sure your parents love it. Come back when you get sense knocked into you. Until then...keep dressing like this so I can take pictures of you and make fun of you. Its just too damn easy.

-Mmmm...muscles. I'm so impressed. Show me your manliness through this tight shirt and holey jeans. I am going to give your number to everyone I know! ...Psyche!
-I'm a big fan of the booty. In fact, I pray each day I get one. But use your badonkadonk in taste...if it is big (which is the best part) show it off the right way. Tight-ass white shorts is not the best way to go about it.

Monday, May 12, 2008

I wonder if illiterate people understand the concept of alphabet soup

-Wearing a cheap white dress that has 4 inch straps and pairing it along with a standard bra when you need a strapless: I can still get sleep at night. Wearing a cheap white dress that isn't only cheap because of the obvious fabric it is made of, but actually knowing because the price tag can be seen in the middle of your gives me a lifetime of nightmares. Someone buy me a dream catcher.

-I decided a long time ago that Lily Pulitzer is hideous. Apparently this girl hasn't grasped the thought that maybe she looks like a napkin. Don't wear it unless you are in a picture of your family reunion at the beach.

-The perfect word to describe Richard (23, from Fairfax, VA) and Aaron (22, from Columbus, GA) is approachable. They are street chic and unique without looking like they try too hard. I hope people appreciate the good vibe they give Athens. Keep up the good work guys!

-There is a difference between wearing something slutastic and wearing something tight. This is a case where our friend crosses the line of good taste. If what you have to show is not that cute, please wear something more flattering. Would you like your grandfather to see you wear this? (Note: picture didn't give justice to how tight the shorts were in person)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I knew a blonde that was so stupid that she thought Meow Mix was a CD for cats.

-If you are desperate enough that the only way you can get guys to approach you is match your best friend, then go on ahead. This is a fashion NO-NO unless you are in a Doublemint commercial... not downtown Athens.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Feliz Cinco de Mayonnaise!

-NO, MA'AM! If you got it, flaunt it...and if you don't... please do everything in your power to hide your nasty lumps and bumps. This is not cute. This girl should be arrested and put into fashion jail for life without parole.

-Dominique Wilkins (48, from Paris, France) is sporting an Atlanta Hawks jersey in honor of their effort against the Boston Celtics this past weekend. Although I didn't get a close encounter with the legend, I'm sure he would tell you that UGAstyle is his favorite website and he checks it daily because he is very up to date with Athens fashion.

-Lamonte (21, from Decatur, GA) looks like a real man with real style. It takes a lot of confidence to mix up a tie and vest with jeans and sneakers...and I think he looks fantastic. Love his look and I'm pretty sure anyone who isn't blind does too.

-It shouldn't be a big shocker that I hate these shoes. I've hated Crocs for quite a while, but these....these just cross every line of good taste. Do these slip-on boat shoes really need laces? Do your feet need holes for ventilation? I just don't get it. What I do know is that these are fugly. Stop people who are wearing these and politely ask them to go barefoot.

-I can't deny she is attractive and has a great body. But, there is a time and a place for showing off your assets, and lunch time outside the SLC studying is not it. Put away the heels or get longer shorts. This is just bad taste for the middle of the day.